Mortal Kombat: How Are Liu Kang and Kung Lao Related? (2025)

As one of the biggest fan-favorite video game franchises of all time, Mortal Kombat has introduced some of the most iconic fighting game characters around. Two of the franchise's most famous champions are Liu Kang and Kung Lau, two Shaoling warriors and formidable fighters using their extensive martial arts training to defend Earth from extra-dimensional invaders and monsters.

While the two have a deep friendship, the connection between them goes even deeper. Now, we're taking a closer look at how Liu Kang and Kung Lao are related and how that makes them one of the most dangerous duos in the Mortal Kombat universe.

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Liu Kang and Kung Lao

Liu Kang was introduced in the original 1992 Mortal Kombat, relying on fast punches and high kicks -- including his signature bicycle kick -- to defend Earth in the first tournament under the guidance of his mentor, the thunder god Raiden. As a staple in the franchise's roster and its ostensible leading man, Liu Kang won the original game's tournament and its first two sequels, repelling the forces of Shang Tsung and Shao Khan.

Kung Lao is introduced 1993's Mortal Kombat II, where he reunites with Liu Kang to defend Earth from Shao Khan. Whereas Liu Kang's design and fighting style were inspired by Bruce Lee, Kung Lao was inspired by wind stance martial arts, sporting a bladed hat that can be thrown to deadly effect. The developers were inspired by the Bond villain Oddjob in Goldfinger who similarly threw a lethal hat when designing Kung Lao, looking for additional ways to differentiate him from Liu Kang.

Shaolin Monks

After successfully defending the Earth in the first three Mortal Kombat games, Mortal Kombat 4 had Liu Kang from a romantic relationship with Princess Kitana. Deadly Alliance had Shao Khan and Quan Chi finally kill off Liu Kang in the opening, with Raiden raising his protege's corpse from the dead in Deception, with the undead hero erratic and violent due not being connected to Liu Kang's soul. The 2011 Mortal Kombat had Raiden's time travel result in Liu Kang's death, only for the warrior to be resurrected by Quan Chi in Mortal Kombat X before being transformed into a fire god by Raiden in Mortal Kombat 11.

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Kung Lao similarly endures a gruesome fate over the course of the franchise, killed by Shang Tsung in Deadly Alliance before being revived only to die again in Armageddon by a clone of Shinnok. The 2011 reboot had Shao Khan kill Kung Lao after he achieved a string of victories against his associates from Outworld. Although he was resurrected to serve Quan Chi in Mortal Kombat X, Kung Lao was spared his untimely death thanks to the time travel activities during Mortal Kombat 11.

The Connection Between Liu Kang and Kung Lao

Mortal Kombat: How Are Liu Kang and Kung Lao Related? (3)

The games eventually revealed that Kung Lao was the "last" descendant and latest reincarnationof the Greater Kung Lao. 500 years prior to the original game, Greater Kung Lao was a champion of the tournament against Outworld who was killed by Goro, leading Shang Tsung to preside over subsequent tournaments. Invited to represent the Shaolin order's White Lotus Society at the original game's tournament, Kung Lao declines due to his family's history with it, leading to Liu Kang to replace him and save the day. Just prior to the events of Mortal Kombat II, Baraka leads a force from Outworld to wipe out the White Lotus Society in retaliation for Liu Kang's victory, leading Kung Lao to swear revenge against Baraka persisting over the course of the franchise.

Somewhat resentful of Liu Kang's victory given his birthright, it is revealed during Shaolin Monks -- which takes place between the original two games -- that Kung Lao and Liu Kang were raised and trained together by the White Lotus Society, where they were friends. While other games in the series identified Liu as another descendant of the Greater Kung Lao, this team-up adventure confirmed it with scenes of Kung Lao and Liu Kang watching their common ancestors. While that would technically make them distant cousins, subsequent games have downplayed this connection. Even if they're distantly related, the core of their relationship is the friendship that they forged together through their shared experiences.

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Mortal Kombat: How Are Liu Kang and Kung Lao Related? (2025)
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