The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

3 A U.S WEATHER FORECAST row; High parature. Cloudy Yester not much 44 tonight Low change The 6- Progress Jimmy and Wife Parting 4 James Roosevelt, S2, eldest son of the Preaident, California and his courta. wife the 'She is the Betsy daughter of Cubing, the late are Dr. Harvey Williams Cashing, Boston brain special. nearing divorce to to Couple (above) have base married tan years and hare two children G.OP.

Head Likes Third Term Idea Hamilton' tion Of F.D.R. Would Spell Defeat WASHINGTON, Republican Chairman John Hamilton said today that be welcomed the possibility of President Rom volt's nomination for third term, which he predicted I would result Democratie defeat. would have and once and for an we would have showdown on the New Deal, Franklin: Rooser and the third term-aad would Apish three" Hamilton told the Republicaa National Committee, meeting set the time and place for the party's that" "al signs point to Republican victory this maid: demoralised and embittered by internecine 'feuds he the Deme cratic party that it cannot present common front against us. On the other band, our ranks are closed a harmonious understanding of the great taik before us. The morale cf cur workers in every part of the country la that of men and women who possess knowledge that.

tory la within their grasp Out of Dels "Our party la out debt. have available or more men -able trustworthy and humanitarian all well qualified to add luster to the presidential office. We need select but one them and with righteuce principles our alde, are assured of sweeping victory next November Hamilton's third-term references a speech criticizing New Deal, which be pictured waging defensive retreating fight. Total Of 881, State, Licenses Issued Here, Netting $31,078 the Fowler has completed compiling classification business, and occupational State for 1940 Jan. $1 of this year.

For 1940, the toner State licenses netting of $31,071.02. is rain of 25 more licenses than Issued in January, when number and the total The revente As usual and was to retail: merchants the State classification this year, who paid Ucenses totaling 554.61. Twenty wholesale chants State licenses of 050.34. Fowler pointed out today that the number of State licenses will be further increased For example, may not bare paid. their before Jan.

81: when they de the scribed penalties will The following figures are ed from the report: Number of moving shown, tour, with total taxes, penalties and public performances, architects, eight, FORTY-SEVEN YEARS OF PUBLIC SERVICE PRICE THREE CENTS Finns Admit Red Onslaught Has Taken Part Of Summa But Insist Defense Intact Russian Forces Claim Smashing Victories On Karelian Isthmus MORCOW. Feb. 16-UM -Rus ala's vast military machine was ported in a Red Army communique today to be smashing ite way along the Karelian Isthmus toward Ke. mare, 18 miles from Vlipuri, having captured ba more Finnish "defen-! sire fortifications." "The enemy in retreating to the rear, abandoning arma and war materials and suffering grave losses," the Russians said. (In Helsinki, however, Anns said they were holding vital posttions and exacting heavy toll on the Russians.) Seizure of the 53 fortifications was the largest claim made by the Rumiane since the war started.

brought to 153 the number of such fortifications the Soviet has ad captured in the 15 day drive, Kamara la four miles north of Summa, scene of the heaviest fighting since the war started. The drive toward Kamare indicated the Russians were trying to outflank Guam Project Hit In House Debate Fortifying Island Opposed By Leaders In Lower Chamber I Albemarle County Predominantly English, News Letter Points Out WASHINGTON," Feb Opposition to making the tiny Per cide Island of Guam naval out" appeared the to House day of the 112,000 Naval propriation bill' Foes of the Guams project victorious last year acht against more ambitious program, the Navy came fight back wit. request for 11,000,000 to start work on a $3,000,000 harbor dredge Ins and breakwater construction jot. The Nary said the Improvements ware desired solely to make Guam's coral studded, harbor sate for long-range patrol planes and commercial Opponeats contended that proposal would constitute step toward complete tion of the island than miles from Tokyo such, would provoke trouble with Rep. Sutphia (D-NI), fought the Guam project argued that it "nothing rubeldy" for Pan-American Air-the caly commercial airline wing island.

Administration leaders ladicated they ware counting on the intent of the Guam controversy the way for the rest of the huge money bill, cut $111,700,000 below President Roosevelt' by the. appropriations committes. The relative percentage Eng Scotch, Welsh, German, Irish and French names la Virgiala, by counties and regions, te in the current issue of the Valversily News Latter. in The data the article, written by Charles F. Cwarts, 'member of the News Latter staff, were dedived trom Peopling of Vir volume by Dr.

Robert Bennett Bean, professor of anatomy at the University, published in in the early. period, Albemarie County was organized 1n 1774 had 54 per cent English per cent Scotch, per cent German, per cent Welsh, per coot Irish, and 8.3 French. In the Mater period," the table show, this county had less people with English names and more with Scotch names The distribution names was 85 follows: English, 41.7 Scotch, 20.1, German, 11.4 per cent, Welsh, 12.1 per cent, Irish, none, and French, par cent of the are districts taken into account, Tidewater with centage 4.0 had the greatest number of English names during the early period, while middle rials with a percentage of 40.6 IT '40 ESTABLISHED 1892. NO. 17,155 Bureau Of.

Budget Presents Figures Van Prison System New Program Would. Save State $26,500 Report Is Offered During Consideration Of Committee Proposals RICHMOND, 16 UP trialon of the the Senate Finance" Committee day an estimate of la the the proposed changes stems which Indicated al saving of 126,800: during The report presented of the bites recommendations with parole a compensation of sherise on salary tastead estimated that the State save $24,500 and the local $2,000 under the Increased costs to the State ting of two-third of the salaries and i sergeants, irdo of their expenses, and the of the proposed division corrections. amount (11,000. Against 1 this would amary showed, of the profits on prisoners, raised by the merits made to these ocheers; miscellaneous other of the now retained by officers; reduction in prisondays due 1 to probation and aliment Anes; Increased collecof Finns Instalment and the probation of Increased Cent For the localities It antimated at the increased cont will amount $272,000 for the payment of ird of the salaries of sheriffs and one third of their To olivet this 4. additional there wit! be additional on.

now retained by ad sergeants; miscellancode 'other aments now made to these one third of the now Lined by these officers, Increased Nection of through ant paying, and reduction droner-days due to probation and stallment payment. it timated, will save 'the localities 000. Alas' with thia stateme tabulation showing bow patate locality will tate reforta bills are accepted heir entirety. The estimates are based, the udget Division says ta its report, Irgely on the report at the auditor publie accounts for the calendar car of 1938. It was' that unfortunate to have to base on only adit, but that it to so because previous audits had too incomplete to beve Anita bearing on the situation.

It was made plain that the estilates presented are those based the figures of 1933 and that the erulte shown would be the bad 'the Spiers Committee commendations la effect lat date. "No accurate estimate of effects can be the maid, "since every figure triable and is subject to change 7. so many influencing factors raditions, This true' of the cures for the State: whole the degree of possible error Increased when the are extended to cover ash a small area a counor elty. Therefore the hould be considered merely scative, and too much reliance hould not be put la the individual cures Estimated budgetary': effects panties and cities of aplers comrecommendations (based on -port of auditor of pablie. pants for 1938) show: County's present cost $3,157, mated net of proposed 3,442, with the diderence being Birchrod Whipping LONDON, Fib.

16- UP Lashing birchrod was decreed by at Derby today for George Footton, 18, convicted of young woman with latest to during a blackout. Whotton senetnced to 11 strokes years imprisonment. WILEY-TILMAN INC. Few remaining winter costs. and at great reductions.

(New spring dresses in prints and $1.85 and up. Splendid values spring coats and suits. Shop at Wiley-Tilmas tor real aluce. "Gone With The Wind In. in color and completeBookshop at Jamar Snavely Is Member Of Coin Test Group Tipton R.

Saavely, the University a returned from Palladelphie where he took part is the old "trial of the United States Mint. The "trial" began Wednenday appolated the weight and. Anences produced at three United mists year. Members of Dr. Saavely, are Preston comptroller of the Assayer Joseph Dudlord; Douglas Brown, Dr.

J. Briggs tor of the Bureau Mandarda, Washlagton; and Dr. Clintic, Williamsburg, The commission, aided by; mint stocials, had the task colas, the largest number the history of the annual The from 150.808.050 colas List for 2.000 ruck of at the Philadelphia; Francisco minte, Clark Will Push Airmail Measure Demands Fast Committee Action On Bill To Ban Flights To Bermuda WASHINGTON, Feb. though rebuffed by the ate, Senator Clark (D-Ma) today demanded speedy action by Foreign Relations Committes to has airman flights to made long as British operates there. He tried unsuccessfully Senate floor a la the Treasury Postottice appropriations bill.

Clark's charge that British corship Bermuda constituted rifling" of United malls touched of discussion not only of that situation but German threat wink had late British Pittman the Senate Foreign Relations who opposed amendment, said today that there were "other which could be used by this Government to hak interference with American De and shipping. He declined, ever, to Pittman told the Senate day that the time might band for retaliation the British, but if it was, no legio lation sbould be until been considered by a Senate mitten and the State Department Senater Reynolda (D-NC). talk af retaliation reminded him that Congress had lifted the: embargo last fall "for the purpose assisting Great Britata." of retaliation," said, "Great Britain retaliated putting an embargo on our tobacco and our cotton and stopping ships and searching our mall." In the House, Rep. Minn) urged that American ships be used to carry overseas mall. He accused Greet Britain trying to drag the United States late the war by adopting a contra band control policy designed force Germany into acts which would anger Assembly Studies New County Plan Third Optional Form Is To Discussed Senate Bill Embodies Commission' mendations RICHMOND, Feb.

third optional form of county for. ernment, providing for the appointment by the Board of Supervisors of an executive secretary to nerve the administrative head, will be discussed at 1 publie hearing nest week before the Senate Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns The committee the hearing for Wednesday at P. M. on the Loving Senate bill which embodies recommendations of the Virginia Commission on County GovernThe measure provides: that the supervisors fix the salaries of county officials elected by the pee ple, but those asgrieved! by. these salaries would have the right appeal to the State Compensation The people also would reserve the right to vote da whether the supervisors should serve a the county school board or appoint the board.

Meanwhile, Chairman William A. Wright, 'at the Senate Roads Com mitten, planned to appoint today subcommittes of three to consider several amendments to the $35,000 000 bridge authority HD. One dered by 0. Norris, of Lancaster, of the bill, would eliminate provision that the 11 projecta tee must he started by Highway Commission five rears trots enactment, The committee heard arguments for and agalnst the: ND at ternoon meeting yesterday. provides for the construction bridge, terry and tunnel projecte la ares, Mouse to a the State to Statewide ban op the male and and reported ably 6 measure designed strengthen the State outdoor adlaw by Increasing tons reducing exemptions.

Delegate C. Moore: of Clark County, told the House nance Committee that the mento the billboard 5. worked out in subcommittee rendered the bill entirely acceptable outdoor advertising interests. visions making the bill to towns of lass than 3,500 populaton were eliminated, the license fee of $100 outdoor. devrtising reduced to and scale taxing Finance Committee bin to impose license fees physicians, and the Coleman bill require sun dealing fruit tress to post bonds, and ferred to a 0411 to place peanut products vending chines under grows tas instead of the present individual sensing Hill to' tax the capital of chants now: amessed Mate cense taxes measured by their tire purchases or males was defeatin the Hour yesterday.

when the delegates voted 71 to 11 against engrossment for reading the miasure. Delegate Rodgers of Pe larsburg, a patron of the measure; paid it would bring la a year and equalise taxation among merchants doing tristate business and those In Interstate business. The bill had the recommendation of Gov. nor Price revenue producing to raise funds to. school needs Opponents argued the bill would extend tar burden to retailers and consumers and that it would result unfavorably to Virginia merchants because border; states not bare such a law SATURDAY SPECIAL 800 pairs ladies full fashioned chiffon three thread hose in spring shades.

Blightly Irregular. vine for $1.25 pair for flee. D. J. 8.

Tilman. 1t 1P "SPRING TIE lection Spring in Just racetred an outstanding, colall. the new shades for Spring from $16.95: One and 3-place dresses in prints and solid colors from Light weight wooles frocks from Now bats felt and straw 83.361 Dinner and evening gowns Levy's the store of the hour. 1t 1p )- Military Informant clares Russians Have Made No Gains Since Tuesday World War. The village has been demolished.

by shellfire, he added. Somme la miles southeast of Vupurl, second largest city and apparent dejective of the Russias drive (Today's Russian communique sold the Rid Army was advancing toward Kamare, railway station Are miles of Summa, with the Finns "retreating the rear, abandoning arms grave The Finnish Informant said the Rusians retained some Bret line positions cast Summe which they captured Feb. 18, ported la the communique the followias day, The representative general headquarters information the battle today, officers that' their bad been mowing the wheat" the but that. re continued their unabated fury. The Mans milled up the to 44 help best back the.

(The newspaper ton bladet. that Finland bad told Sweden the either must come elude with Russia or direct help from the western "Within a day the paper said, Finland could. pected to socept offers of outside military help Today's military Informant diss counted reporta in the Russiand communique stating that the Rus. slams were advancing toward. Kae mars, a ratiway station four miles north of Summa to that general.

ton from many miles might be called approaching with: out really true 1 said, The spokesmen mid thit though yesterday's communique: mentioned extensive among the this 414 not lessen the ens of the battle, in which day after day the Flans are with fewer men, tower artillery places and planes then the Invaders Victories la North victories in th soorth In December were edicient winter strategy against tanks other equipment not suited forested terrati. The greatest value of the I Line likewise la due large ly to the hilly terrain, cut by lakes swamplande, la addition to the of defenses themselves series of fortifications sad and qua emplacements so an that one or more without risk merlous break. The Finna nevertheless have said repeatedly that they are holdina. back the enemy, copecially through the winter, but that against the tremendous manpower and warplane strength of the Russians they must some day have help. The latest appeal, made by 16 women.

members of the Finnish Parliament, declared: Aghter plane and cus gives manitarian which the enemy from murdering the civilian population: with tairplanes, "That the unhappiness of the world should not. grow greater and that force should 'not spread. youd our frontiers to our sister as we appeal: Let your bands and sons come to aid and help us: Tiana Aght by for liberty, humanity and jus-' According to the bast military information, there in no question of of the crumbling suddenly, but the task of has crown exceediagly hear. A'. Fianiah officer from Summa declared Monish, louses were "phes Red Army had seized at least part of the village of Summa on the shell churned.

Line but declared that the maurity. of 'that vital defensive ayatens was not affected. military Informant indicate that the great Russian drive, now la Its 14th had reached foremost points Fab. 11 and that there had been nO BOW melas since then. But, he said, the Rumians presumably still are in Sumvillage, around which hare raged the Bercest phases of the battle which the Fine liken to France's stand at Verdua la the 5 the Plane at Summa.

"Soviet troops approach the station of Kamara," the Russian communique said. "On February 13 Soviet troops occupied 83 defensive fortifications including 21 Iron and concrete artillery forts. Since Feb. 1 Russian communt ques have told of repeated cap tures of Finnish outposts -as the Red Army machine apparently gathered momentum and bit deeper Into the Mannerhelm Line. Until a week ago Soviet: muniques at the reported only Isolated local actions.

The Red Army also was active in the air. "Soviet aviation succesfully ad enemy troops and military ob Jectives," the Communique "Six enemy airplanes were brought down la air combata." In describing the activity in tors other than Kamars the Ran clans merely reported "activity of scouts and in a number of press clashes of infantry Business Men Get Governor's Report Data On Administrative Reorganization And Taxation Given RICHMOND, Feb. 16-More than 1,000 businete firms in Virgin af Allated with the Virgiala Chember at Commerce today malled copies' a of Governor Price's administrative, part and the report af the government on the reorganisation of Virginia State government Major Raymond B. Bottom, Newport News, president of the chamber, calla members attention to the close similarity of sections of both reporta and. to the fact that the Governor commends the work of the chamber's committee, which headed by Vaughan Gary, of Richmond.

"Your attention la invited to the fact that the recommendations made by the Governor embody tour proposals: for Integration which parallel closely conclusions and recommendations contained In the report of the State chamber's com mittee," Major Bottom "In delivering his to the General Assembly, the rover not rave full recognition to the chamber's report and acknowledged its influence in shaping his la' considered by the chant ber that. the reorganization and tegrations proposed are to terest of good government and of efficiency in and. la line with sound businass praotices, It Is felt that enactment of the legislation tor putting the Gorernor's Into fect win help greatly towards bringing our state government in with developments over the past fifteen years and another measure in the' perfection of the administration and executive fuse Lions of the Copies of the chamber's report also bare been placed in the bands of all members the Virgiala legislature. Nazi Newspaper Sees Finn Loss Inevitable BERLIN, Feb. 10 UP Adolf Hitler' newspaper Volklacher bichter In' a three-colums article today amerted that a complete de feat of Finland by Russia is evitable.

The article repeated familiar German contention. that England hopes to prolong the Russlar-Fionish conflict: by the Scandinavian countries to jump la to help the Flans. Finnish Relief Also we our new spring hats $2.95 up. J. D.

4 J. 1. Tilman. 1 1p The Dally Progress been requested to band's contribu Lions to be sert to Finland, and this we are glad to do. Anyone wishing to make a donation to this cause may leave It at this office.

It will be forwarded to the Relief Fund. JUST RECEIVED cardigan Goth Cuna sweaters, up. Skirts slipover, and jackets to match $3.95 and $1.95 Brazilians Board German Freighter Gunboat Stationed Nearby To Insure Compliance With Noutrality Law BELEN, 1 -Twelve Brazilian mariase the German freighter Kople la Brazilian: patere today the run boat tioned Itself nearky to pliance with the 'neutral sty law prohibiting operation radian for with belligerents, was boarded she lay $5 miles from Berle but Brasiltan territorial waters, Maritime authorities yesterday ordered the vessel either to outside territorial waters to return to Belem, whence Feb. with 3,000 tons rubber. This cation was taken when it discovered the ably had Installed radio antennae which made it sible for her to communicate with German warships la violation the neutrality law.

The of the boarding Cairotas Island, at the the Amason, where she hovering for some time, Works Hardship Mra. Freakila D. Roosevelt says ITHACA, N. Feb. 16- UP la times of strained International relations, enough people to sit pest other" at diplomatic dinners will speak to each In informal talk Cornel Univeralty's Farm and Home Week yesterday, the nations First Lady asserted the European worked hardship Washlagton social life.

ing. four, $343: brokers, three, bullding and Joan associations, two, agencies, two, a sloa merchants and brokers, contractors, plumbers and steamtitters, credit unions, one, dentists, twelve, $300; four, $251; botale, four, $257: junk dealers and caDvassers, one, laundries, four, $103; lodging boomed, 14, (218.50. Merchants: Retali $10, 45, at $20, 26 over $20, 242, wholesale at $50, three, wholesale over $50, 22. Paddlers, three, photographers, four, $160; pistol dealers, one, 85.75; pool and billiard real estate agenta, six, restaurante (including soft drinks from fotatains, slot machines and operators, 1ST, soft (manufacturers of bottled carbonated three, age and pounding. fire, tobacco retailers, 152, $876; under takers, three, veterinary twe, $71.50.

Total, 48, netting total revenge of City licenses wit! pat be due May in the number of Dames for the later period. "It. la not surprising." said Swarts, "that the highest percentare of fish names for for the the early period la recorded water section. Virgiala's early tiers came almost entirely the south and southwest of land and settled around the Chesspeake Bay and along the rivers wbich empty late it. "The English were predominant, also in and middle giala, which were settled largely by the movement of people from the Tidewater area: The Valley re glon and the South however, were predominantly Scotch during their cartier histories.

These two regions also had consistently higher percentages of Germans than did the regions east the Blue Ridge Mountalas. great movement of Scots and Germane Into Virginia, beginning in the second quarter of the eighteenth century," the writer continued, "traversed the Valley of Virginia and peopled the Great Southwest and the higher ridges of the More then fourth of the of Valley region and the southwest (Coatianed on: Pago Three).

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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